Year 10 Digital Technologies

Course Description

Head of Faculty - Kaihautuu: Mr S. Qureshi.

Loved Digital Technologies in Year 9...
Or missed out on Digital Technologies in Year 9?

Either way, you need to give this a go in Year 10!  Get creative in Adobe Illustrator creating 2D images and animation, Blender 3D modelling and animation, program in Python to create simple solutions to everyday situations.  3D print one of your models to create a keytag.

This is a sample of what you could be doing in Years 11-13 if you get started now...

Course Overview

Term 1
Adobe Illustrator - 2D Drawing and Design
Blender - 3D Modelling and Animation
Python Programming

Term 2
Group Project for 3D Modelling and Animation
Spreadsheets and Databases


Set the foundation for university study and a career in the digital creative industries - game design, graphic design, programming, web design.

Assessment Information

Classwork will be submitted as evidence of learning.
A group project will also be undertaken as a summary of learning and to develop collaboration skills.