Year 9 Japanese

Course Description

Head of Faculty - Kaihautuu: Mrs P. McMillan.

Students will 

  • gain knowledge, skills and attitudes that will equip them for living in a world of diverse people, languages and cultures.
  • learn how to learn a second language and understand more about their own language.
  • learn by participating in and contributing to a variety of language activities, including peer interactions and self managed on line learning.
  • learn about the relationship between language and culture and compare and contrast beliefs and practices.  They will be able to relate to people from another culture appropriately and respectfully.

Students will 

  • develop an understanding of familiar expressions, everyday vocabulary and be able to use well rehearsed sentence patterns. They will be able to have a conversation about personal details in supported situations.
  • learn how to pronounce Japanese and be introduced to the Japanese written alphabets.
  • Learn how to meet and greet, introduce themselves, talk about school subjects and sports, likes and dislikes and going places and doing activities.

Focus is :

a) on speaking being able to use simple Japanese sentences and questions for the purpose of introducing themselves and their family in short conversations

b) on reading the  2 Japanese scripts of Hiragana and roomaji with basic kanji relating to numbers, days, months

c) on experiencing the culture with activities such as songs, games ie chopsticks games, origami, calligraphy and food 


Assessment Information

At the end of each term, the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will be tested.