Year 10 Digital Creative

Course Description

Head of Faculty - Kaihautuu: Mrs V. Moore-Allen, Mrs L. Purda.

Welcome To Year 10 Digital Creative!

Project Based & Time Based Learning

This course is designed to help you to explore and learn about digital art making processes. We will explore Photography, Design, Illustration and some moving image. We want to show you what is like to work for a client and present your work to the public as this is what happens in the creative digital industry in the real world. This is where your digital creative career pathway begins... 

The class will learn a combination of digital art making skills and processes to create a 'Show Reel' about what Digital Art and how it can be used to share ideas with people and engage them to act, think and feel. Digital Creative is about learning about what it takes to be successful in this very demanding but rewarding field. 

Some general things we will learn as we go will be:

  • Composition - How images are put together to capture the viewers' attention and more importantly hold their attention. 
  • Typography - The art of using type to make things look cool.
  • Project Management - Working together to plan your outcomes and holding each other accountable to get the job done so you can be proud of what you have accomplished. 
  • Digital Art Making Skills - You will work across at least two digital art making specialist areas while you are working on your contribution to the project. 
  • Conceptual Development - Coming up with cool ideas with meaning behind the work you are creating. (Learning to think creatively) 
  • Creative Software Skills - During your practical making of your contribution to the project you will be working across at least two digital creative software platforms. See more details below. 

The way it will work.....

We will work on a class project to make and produce a digital showcase LIVE outcome at the end of the course that you can present to your year level at assembly and if it is good enough our school social media pages. This is a real world-based project class so you must come prepared to engage and be part of the production team. 

You will each have some basic workshops within the first few weeks of the course so you can have a 'taster' of the different specialty areas within the digital creative space. You will then choose your 'specialty areas' (from the list below) that you are interested in learning more about. Then in your small groups of special interest areas you will set about planning and making your section of the show reel for our final live project at the end of the second semester. (Please note there will be competition as there are two of these classes running.... who's show reel will be the best?) 

See This Professional Show Reel Below:


Specialty areas are:

Photo/Film (Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro & After Effects)

Photo/Design (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and or InDesign)

2D Illustration / Animation (Procreate or Adobe Fresco)

3D Modeling / Animation (Blender) 

2D Illustration/Design (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign)

You will run your own specialty area agency (like we do in Industry)

Here is an example of a real life kiwi digital agency: 

Each specialty group will take artistic direction of their own contribution to the show reel. You will be in charge of setting your work timeline, outcome goals and the standard of the work you create. (BUT KEEP IN MIND this is a LIVE project that other people are going to see so it has to be REAL & HIGH QUALITY) 

This will take both teamwork and skill. You will be learning as you go! You will need to support each other and there will be times where you might need to put extra time in over and above class time so that you are able to meet the deadlines and complete your project in time to be shown live at assembly. 

Where will this lead? Can I get a job through this pathway? 

Heck yes! The creative industry is broad and wide and contributes millions of dollars to the economy. Look around... what can you see that is digital creative? Games, Movies, Apps, Branding, Billboards, Brochures, Magazines, Photographs, Films, Opening Title Sequences, Websites the list goes on....

Check out what the British Government has to say about the creative industry.... 


This course provides a sound foundation for students to develop and explore their digital art making skills in preparation for Level 1 Photo/Design and beyond.