Year 10 Multi Materials Technology

Course Description

Head of Faculty - Kaihautuu: Mr S. Qureshi.


  • Technology Multi Materials is all about exploring design ideas and developing them to a solution
  • The course covers the planning and developing of your ideas, understanding materials and processes involved in making your projects, and evaluating and understanding the impact of this work.
  • The course covers the planning and developing of your ideas, understanding materials and processes involved in making your projects, and evaluating and understanding the impact of this work.

Course Overview

Semester A
Students complete teacher lead design and manufacturing challenges.

Semester B
Students complete teacher lead design and manufacturing challenges.

Recommended Prior Learning

You will have completed the Y9 technology programme to give you a good start for the Y10 Technology Multi Materials course.

This course continues to develop the technical skills that involve technology practice (planning and making), knowledge (materials and processes) and the effects these can have on society.  Workshop safety is important to us and to you, so we require a safe learning environment for everyone.  The course is project based, which means that as you design and make the projects you also cover related studies topics.

Career Pathways