Year 10 Creative Enterprise

Course Description

Head of Faculty - Kaihautuu: Mrs L. Purda.

Welcome To Year 10 Creative Enterprise!

What is an entrepreneur? 

"An entrepreneur is an individual who identifies a need in the marketplace and works to fulfil it. The term, historically, has been applied to an individual who starts a business, seeing the ability to fulfil that identified need as an economic opportunity."

Creative entrepreneurs could be musicians playing at an event for money, artists making art and selling prints to people at a market, a crafts person making something to sell at a market, a photographer capturing an event or selling prints of images, a designer selling posters or creating a design for a customer... the list goes on..... 

Who is this course for?

Are you creative and want to have a go at making your own art works to sell? 

Are you a creative and think you could sell your skills to clients who need them?

Are you creative and are curious about the world of advertising and want to know more about creative careers in that space?

Are you creative and considering taking business but not sure about how you might fit in? 

Are you creative and think you have what it takes to run your own business using your creative skills?

Are you a creative and like to take photos and design promotional material?

Are you creative and don't mind working outside of class to make sales to earn money for your artwork or creative skills?

Then this course is for you! 

Students who are both artistic and have a desire to learn about how creativity fits into the entrepreneurial world including social enterprise should take this course. Creative minds and skills are a powerful combination in the modern marketplace. Creativity is a broad term. Think arts, crafts, baking, making and or creating.... what can you create that will allow you to make a product or a range of products and then sell them to make some money? 

What will I do and learn in this course?

In this course students will investigate creative career pathways and how the creative industry contributes to the business landscape. We will explore how to advertise and market our own products through our own creative practice and we will learn some business theory that sits behind the world of advertising. Students will create their own marketing campaign and launch their own products. 

The course is a semester course so students will spend the first term developing their product and exploring a range of creative ways to make a product. In the second term students will learn about marketing (advertising) and also how to sell their products. We will take our products to the public and see if we can make some money. Students will be able to keep the profit they make after covering their expenses. We will look at the cost of production and how we can price our products. We will also investigate who our target audience is and places we can sell our creations. Many of the skills students develop support the learning in the Year 10 Social Studies module, "Becoming an Entrepreneur," and vice versa.

What is the workload like?

Students who take this course should be prepared to work outside of class and this will include sale of their products to the friends, family and or the wider public. They may need to attend local markets and have a stall. Students will do this as a group activity and learn together. Students must be reliable and committed to making their business work. Students will be willing to take time to create their own creative products and work to create advertising for their product. This may take time over and above normal classroom hours. Students can work as individuals or as a group.


Recommended Prior Learning

It would help if students have taken Year 9 Art.

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Students will be encouraged to buy their own Art journal, pencils, pen, SD card, coloured pencils or graphic pens
